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Cars are seldom put into landfills; they contain enough easily recoverable metal to make recycling them a paying proposition.

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I'm not sure but it think a few thousand years

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14y ago

tens of thousands of years

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Q: How long does it takes for tires to degrade in a landfill?
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How long does a water bottle last in landfill?

It takes 1,000 years for the typical plastic water bottle to degrade in a landfill.

How long tires decompose?

It acually takes a really long time.. but a lot longer in a landfill.. people should just RECYCLE!!!!

How long does it take a computer or tv to degrade in a landfill?

500 years.

How long does it take for rubber to degrade?

Rubber takes 50 to 80 years to degrade.

How long does it take for a tire to decompose in a landfill?

Tires can take hundreds to thousands of years to decompose in a landfill due to their synthetic rubber composition which breaks down very slowly. They pose environmental risks as they can leach toxic chemicals as they degrade. Recycling and reuse are preferred to reduce their impact on the environment.

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2000 years

How is plastics harmful?

plastic do not degrade. If we bury plastic for years it will remain underground damaging under ground life. Actually, synthetic plastics DO degrade, they just do so very slowly. They do not "damage underground life", they simply take up valuable space in landfill sites because they take so long to degrade.

How long does it take for tin canto degrade?

Tin cans take about 50 years to degrade in a landfill due to their slow deterioration process. Recycling tin cans helps reduce the environmental impact and conserves resources by using the material to create new products.

How long does it take for landfill to biodegrade?

It can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 50 years for certain items in a landfill to biodegrade. Organic materials like food waste and paper break down much faster, while plastics and metals can take hundreds to thousands of years to degrade.

Are styrofoam cups biodegradable?

No, polystyrene cups are not considered biodegradable. They do degrade, but it takes so long that they are not considered biodegradable.

How long does it take garbage to degrade?

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How long can a nappy break down?

A disposable nappy can take approximately 500 years to break down in a landfill due to the materials they are made of, such as plastics and other synthetic materials that do not easily degrade. This long decomposition time contributes to environmental pollution and waste management challenges.