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Q: How long does liquor stay in sweat glands?
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Are dogs ever warm?

yes that is why you see them panting that is the only way they stay cool they have no sweat glands.

How long alcohol stay in your sweat?

four days

The secretion of sweat is stimulated by what?

That is a good question! Sweat glands get the nerve supply from the sympathetic trunk. So anatomically they get sympathetic nerve supply. But the neurotransmitter at the target cells is acetylcholine. So functionally or physiologically, the sweat glands get the parasympathetic nerve supply.

How long does alcohol stay in your sweat?

No. Alcohol is metabolized by the liver.

How Does A Cat Stay Cool?

Stretching out as much as they can, finding cool tiles to sleep on, sleeping in the shade or even the bath, drinking lots of water and they also have sweat glands in their paws.

How long can a person be drunk?

A person can stay drunk for about 7-8 hours depending on the amount of liquor you consumed.

Why does your forehead get clammy?

A clammy forehead usually happens do to perspiration. Sweat glands help the body stay cool when it gets hot, thus causing a moist clammy feeling on the surface of the skin.

How do you stay cool when cycling?

You sweat, then as the wind dries the sweat away, it cools you.

Where do Keith sweat stay?


Does body butter stay on your skin?

you sweat it off!

How long does Twentyfour beers stay in your system?

The average, normal functioning liver will process 1 oz. of liquor per hour. Therefore, 24 hours.

How long does liquor mixed with THC stay in the human body?

THC probably stays bound to receptors in the brain the same amount of time as it would smoking or eating it. eventually getting stored in the fat cells where it stays, so i don't think liquor really has anything to do with it.