

How long does the pallidotomy procedure take?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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The procedure requires several hours.

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Q: How long does the pallidotomy procedure take?
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How does the pallidotomy procedure mimic the effect of dopamine?

Pallidotomy mimics this action by permanently destroying the GPi cells.

What is a pallidotomy?

A pallidotomy is a neurological procedure whereby a tiny electrical probe is placed in the globus pallidus and heated in order to destroy a small area of brain cells.

What does a pallidotomy do?

In a pallidotomy, the globus pallidus is destroyed by heat, delivered by long thin needles inserted under anesthesia

What type of hospital stay is required for a pallidotomy?

Pallidotomy takes several hours to perform. In some medical centers, pallidotomy is performed as an outpatient procedure, and patients are sent home the same day. Most centers provide an overnight stay or longer for observation and recuperation

What is a pallidotomy patient given to ease his anxiety?

The patient will receive a mild sedative to ease the anxiety of the procedure.

What length of time is a pallidotomy patient typically hospitalized?

Some centers perform pallidotomy as an outpatient procedure, sending the patient home the same day. Most centers keep the patient overnight or longer for observation.

What device will be fixed to the patient's head on the morning of a pallidotomy procedure?

On the day of the surgery, the stereotactic frame will be fixed to the patient's head.

What is used to numb the skull prior to a pallidotomy procedure?

A strong topical anesthetic is used to numb the shaved area before this hole is drilled.

How much improvement is seen in patients after undergoing a pallidotomy?

Studies show the procedure generally improves tremor, rigidity, and slowed movements by 25-60%.

Why is the patient asked to make movements during a pallidotomy?

During the procedure, the patient will be asked to make various movements to assist in determining the location of the electrode.

What specialist performs the pallidotomy?

Pallidotomy is performed in the hospital by a neurosurgeon, in coordination with the patient's neurologist.

What is a basic difference between the unilateral and bilateral pallidotomy?

For unilateral pallidotomy, a single "burr hole" is made in the top of the skull; bilateral pallidotomy requires two holes.