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About 90 minutes.

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The International Space Station orbits the Earth approximately every 90 minutes. This means it completes about 16 orbits in a 24-hour period as it travels at a speed of about 28,000 kilometers per hour.

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Q: How long does the space station take to orbit the earth?
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What was the name of the first space station to orbit the earth?

The first space station to orbit the Earth was called Salyut 1, launched by the Soviet Union on April 19, 1971. It marked the beginning of long-duration human spaceflight missions.

How long does it take the space station to orbit the earth?

It takes the International Space Station (ISS) approximately 90 minutes to orbit the Earth once.

How long does the Internation Space Station take to orbit the earth?

The International Space Station orbits the Earth approximately every 90 minutes. This means it experiences 16 sunrises and sunsets in a 24-hour period.

How long has international space station been in orbit?

The International Space Station (ISS) has been in orbit since November 20, 1998. It is a collaborative project involving multiple countries and serves as a research laboratory in low Earth orbit.

How long does it take to get to the space shuttle to the space station?

It takes about 8.5 minutes for a space shuttle to reach orbit and then rendezvous with the International Space Station, which orbits approximately 250 miles above Earth.

How long has the International Space Station been orbiting the earth?

The International Space Station has been orbiting the Earth since November 20, 1998.

How long does it take for the International Space Station to orbit the earth?

==Orbital period== The International Space Station completes 15.79 orbits per day, or about one orbit every 90 minutes.

Why not use the moon as the space station?

The moon is a different environment than low Earth orbit where the International Space Station is located. Building a space station on the moon would require different technology, resources, and infrastructure compared to one in low Earth orbit. Additionally, the moon's surface is not a stable platform for long-term habitation due to factors such as extreme temperature variations and lack of atmosphere for protection.

How long does it take for the International Space Station to go round the Earth once?

It takes the International Space Station approximately 90 minutes to complete one orbit around the Earth at an average speed of about 28,000 kilometers per hour.

How long does it take to orbit around earth in space?

Orbital times vary as a function of the height of the orbiting vehicle or object. The higher its altitude, the longer it takes to make an orbit. The ISS and space shuttle are in low earth orbit and take approximately ninety minutes to complete one orbit.

How long will it takes to orbit the earth a hundred times?

The time it takes to orbit the Earth 100 times would depend on the speed of the object orbiting. For the International Space Station, which orbits the Earth approximately every 90 minutes, it would take around 150 days to complete 100 orbits.

Why does it take the space shuttle so long to get to the space station?

The space shuttle and space station travel at high speeds in orbit around the Earth, but the distances involved are vast. The time it takes to travel between them depends on the specific orbital configuration at the time of launch, as well as the need to align with the space station's orbit for docking. Additionally, careful planning is needed to ensure a safe and precise approach for docking.