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Q: How long has science been around?
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How long have scientist searched for cancer cures?

They have been looking for cures as long as cancer has been around. The search for cures has been around since ancient times. It may not have been called cancer at the time, but it has been around longer than modern science.

How long has forensic science been used?

"Forensic science" is almost a tautology, since forensics is the business of proving things and that's what all science seeks to do. However, supposing that the question means, "How long has science been used for evidence in trials at law?"the answer is almost as long as science has been recognized. Archimedes' discovery of specific gravity was in connection with a case of fraud.

When did science as we know it began?

Science has always been around. Without science, the very first person would not have been created because there would be like nothing to create them, no oxygen, no gravity, no food, etc. So like I said, science has ALWAYS been around. There are many types of science that we don't know are classified as 'science'.

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long, took me around 4 hours

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