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Q: How long in Oregon before a missing person is declared dead?
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How long before a missing person is declared legally dead in Pennsylvania?

My Answer Is..... Scroll Down To See] NONE OF YOUR BEEZWAX OK? I Love Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj Is A Hottiie Bye Bye Ok? How long before a missing person is declared dead in pennsyliviahh? Is Shut Up! EASY

How do you have a missing person declared dead in Texas?

7 years

When can you spend missing siblings inheritance?

You need to discuss the situation with an attorney. A person must be missing for a number of years before they can be declared dead by a court order. Then, their estate would need to be probated.

How do you declare a person legally dead?

In the state of Arizona, a person can only be legally declared dead by either a medical examiner, coroner or medical doctor. If a person has been missing for at least 7 years, they can be declared legally dead if there is no evidence they are alive.

Who has the burden of proving that a person who has not been heard of for seven years is alive?

The burden falls upon the person who wishes to have the person declared missing or dead.

When are missing persons in natural disasters declared dead?

It makes no dofference what the circumstances are, every state has its own law on declaring when a person may be declared legally deceased.

How long must someone be missing at sea before declared dead?

in my opinion if somebody went missing for 2 weeks i would think they died.Unless there was a big storm in that area i would say they would be lucky to survive -------------------------------- No there is some legal period one has to wait if there is no body found - I THINK it is about 7 years one has to wait before the person can be declared legall dead. The link below explains more.

How many hours before you are considered a missing person?

If you're gone for twelve hours, you will be considered a missing person.

How long before a search is started for a missing person?

24 hours after being reported missing.

What political entity had abolished slavery and declared each person or origin equal before law?

Mexico had abolished slavery and declared persons of Spanish, Indian, and African origin equal before the law.

Is missing a varb?

Missing is an adjective, as in a missing person

Is life insurance paid if the body is not found?

When someone has been missing for long enough, which is normally seven years, that person can be declared legally dead, at which point life insurance policies will pay the death benefit for that person.