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Q: How long is a co2 car race track?
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What is the length of a co2 car track?

2 miles long

What is the required size to race a CO2 car?

The required size to race a CO2 car is is at least five feet eight inches tall and at least one hundred and forty pounds. Those are the minimum race car requirements.

How does a CO2 cartridge propel a car down the track?


What is the average distance used in CO2 car competition?

What is the distance used in a CO2 car competition What is the distance used in a CO2 car competition

What makes a CO2 car fast?

the co2

What is the history of the CO2 dragster?

Co2 cars arrived as early as 1947.. Douglas / Santa Monica plant engineers made and raced some of the first co2 jet cars for a little noon hour racing. Check out.. the Popular Science magazine issue Feb 1947 ( pages 102 & 103) for photos on this race. Some of the early co2 car kits were made by Monogram models in 1947/48 as well. There first co2 powered car kit was called the Hot Shot jet car. This was an instant hit, followed by the Terra jet, Aqua jet, Mono jet, and the Mid jet co2 car kits.

How does friction affect the speed of a co2 car?

Friction acts on all cars the same pretty much, model, rocket or tank. I am assuming this is a model race car though.The three important factors to look at are air resistanceRolling resistance (wheel to track and wheel to axle) I used to use no residue and no smell silicone dry sprayBody to track. How will the body of your car react if it touches the side of the track and can you use a Teflon coating? If not use the dry silicone spray and hope no one notices (it is cheating in most cases)Remember the old Nascar saying "If you ain't cheating, You ain't winning"

The fastes co2 car in the world?

Petrol cars produce CO2 as a combustion by-product, so it might be said that whatever the fastest car in the world is the fastest CO2 car. There are no cars powered by CO2 - obviously - as any chemical reaction starting with CO2 needs energy to produce another substance. There might be a car somewhere powered by compressed CO2, but this will stop moving when it runs out of pressure. Consequently the fastest CO2 car is a parked car.

What factors will affect the performance of a CO2 car?

Aerodynamics of the car, the size of the wheels, the weight of the car, and the size of the CO2 cartridge.

What makes a good CO2 race car?

The best co2 race car in the world is the taer drop shaped car with the wheels on the inside or just put some wheels on your mom! just joking

How much CO2 does a motorbike produces every km?

Doesn't the driver ( and any passengers ) in the car emit CO2 as well, so you are not comparing like with like.You must compare CO2 from Car, driver and passengers with CO2 emitted by cyclist to be more accurate.You will need to divide the CO2 for car driver and passenger by number of occupants of car to get CO2 per person per journey

Will newtons second law of motion affect a CO2 car?

Yes, if you're using the co2 car on Earth. All of Newton's laws will affect every moving object on Earth, and your co2 car is no exception.