

How long is a giraffe's tong?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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12y ago

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a giraffe's tongue can grow up to 3ft long

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Q: How long is a giraffe's tong?
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What are facts about giraffes bones?

Giraffes have the same number of vertebrate in their neck that humans do in their entire body. Giraffes also have seven cervical vertebrate, but each one is ten inches long.

Why do giraffes live in grasslands?

Giraffes live in grasslands because this habitat has tall trees. The giraffes need the tall trees to eat the leaves from. Also the trees need to tall because of their long necks.

Darwin and Lamarck had different ideas about why all giraffes now have long necks why?

Lamarck would have said that the ancestors of modern-day giraffes had short necks but stretched their necks as they tried to reach leaves in trees; so, their descendants were born with longer necks. Darwin would have said that in a population of ancestral giraffes, some had slightly longer necks than others; the long-necked giraffes were better able to feed on tree leaves and as a result produced more offspring. Over time, the proportion of longnecked giraffes in the population increased.

Is genetics an example of an adaptation?

No. Genetics is a topic in biology. I think what you mean is, the mutations that form in DNA to give different features may be beneficial to the survival of the organism. E.g. Giraffes with long necks are more likely to survive than the giraffes with short necks because they can reach leaves on higher trees but the short giraffes can not. The short giraffes have evidently become extinct as a result.

Can giraffes lick their elbows?

Giraffes don't have elbows.

Related questions

How long is a giraffes' tung?

A giraffe's tongue is 18 to 20 inches (46 to 50 centimeters) long and blue-black. Source-

What adaptation do giraffes have to hep them eat leaves?

giraffes have long necks and spots

Why do giraffes evolved with long necks?

Giraffes evovled with long necks so they can reach the tree and eat the leaves.

What are 3 opinions about giraffes?

I LOVE giraffes. There necks don't seem that long to me. They are intelligent

Have giraffes always have long necks?


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Where do giraffes have long hair?

on their necks

How long do giraffes live in the zoo?

Giraffes can spend their whole lives in a zoo, if they're raised in captivity. Giraffes live for about 25 years.

What is the structural adaptation of the giraffe?

A long neck that enables it to reach fruit and leaves at the top of trees. This adaptation happened because the giraffes with the longer necks survived when the shorter necked giraffes couldn't. The shorter necked giraffes did not have enough food to eat, as it was all unreachable in the trees. Thus the longer necked giraffes who survived mated with other long necked giraffes and produced more long necked giraffes!

What rhymes with throng?

Song, tong, long and wrong.

What are giraffes appearance?

They are tall and have long necks

What are giraffes like?

there teeth are long for grinding