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For as long as she is alive. However the records should be confidential between the girl and those medics directly treating her now and in the future; they are her property. The medical records should be available to inform medics regarding her past medical history when treating any medical conditions she may have later in life.

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Q: How long should medical records for a 13 year old girl be kept?
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How long should medical records be kept?

Medical records should be kept for as long as required based on the type of record, and federal/state laws.

How long should medical records be kept after their death?

It depends on where you are. Heres a list of how long different records should be kept. I think this is in the UK

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It's certainly easier to keep medical records on-site for active patients. There are no regulations, however, about where medical records must be kept as long as they are secure.

How long should medical records be kept in Missouri?

Seven years

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32 Days

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Medical records are kept for ever no matter what happens to the patients since is a legal document.

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Medical records are kept for ever no matter what happens to the patients since is a legal document.

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How long are medical records kept in Kentucky? Medical records must be kept at least 7 years from the date they were created. Some healthcare providers keep them longer.