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how long can you leave unwrapped or wrapped instruments in an autoclave

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Q: How long should unwrapped instruments be autoclave?
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How long can a bun be left without being eaten?

It all depends. Is yoyr bun wrapped or unwrapped? I its unwrapped I'd say 24 hours. If its wrapped then 1 week

What is the limitation of using the autoclave?

a. Cannot kill endospores b. Cannot inactivate viruses c. Requires a long time to achieve sterilization d. Cannot be used with heat-labile materials e. Cannot be used with glassware ...must be one of these

How long would you autoclave a culture media?

Depends on the type of media, and the amount. Usually 20-30min. You can do more then that, but be careful if the media has sugar (it will caramelize).

Why do kids buy musical instruments when they can rent one from their school?

In the long run, buying an instrument is almost always cheaper. However, a student should rent an instrument until they are absolutely sure that they aren't going to switch instruments.

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The tubing on the brass instruments is curved to get a long tube into a short length.

How long do you cook a 14 pound turkey in an autoclave?

you cook a 14 pound turkey for 4 hours, here it goes, 20 minutes per pound, which is 280 divide by 60 which is 4 hours and 20 minutes...and that would be without an autoclave. In an autoclave it looks like regardless of weight you'll run about a 45 minute sterilize cycle. (121C with 15 psig) I would use a liquid cycle, of course, to minimize/prevent boiling. The whole cycle would take about about an hour and 30 minutes. An autoclave safe container in which you can submerse the turkey in broth might help.

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Flutes and oboes are some of the oldest instruments the woodwind family. Saxophones and bass clarinets are some instruments invented not too long ago.

How do they clean pap smear tool's?

Medical instruments are normally cleaned with soap and water, and then sterilized in a device called an "autoclave", which kills all pathogenic viruses and bacteria by a long-term exposure to superheated steam.The trouble and expense of autoclaving medical tools is one of the reasons that more and more medical tools are disposable, and are used only once before being disposed of.

How long would brass instruments be if they were straightened out?

If brass instruments were straightened out, their length would be anywhere from 8 to 25 feet.

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it depends on the solution you are using but its much better to soak in a longer time to reach optimal efficiency.

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Centuries. The Ancient Chinese, Romans, and Egyptians had string instruments. The crew of Columbus had a form of a guitar.

How long to bake unwrapped potato?

I like mine with a crisp skin so I bake at 400 for an hour. I also cover the skin with butter before baking so that helps it crisp as well.