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After three weeks your mouth has healed enough to eat regular foods again, but it's not a bad idea to be careful for another week or so!

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16y ago
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14y ago

depends on what you mean by semi normal food, I had mac and cheese and ramen after I got mine out for a couple days, by day 4 I was trying some more solid foods, def by day 5.

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11y ago

i had surgey on tuesday when can go back regular food it been four days now

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Q: You had my wisdom teeth taken out three weeks ago when can you eat regular foods?
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Should wisdom teeth always come out?

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I can't remember. :p

How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth taken out if you did?

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No. Unless you have a tongue piercing.

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It would be better to wait until it cools.

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As long as you want to.

Can you eat limons after your wisdom teeth are extracted?

After wisdom teeth extraction it is important to avoid eating difficult to chew foods. Limons can be used, you can eat limon-flavored pudding, as it is not quite as sweet tasting.

What is the purpose of wisdom?

It is thought that years ago people used to eat harder foods which could cause tooth damage (also jaws were larger). So when these teeth were falling out the wisdom teeth would come in and just be another set of teeth. Now with better preventative dental care most people don't lose teeth or have aneed for wisdom teeth.

After wisdom teeth removal when is it safe to play football?

You should wait 2 weeks after getting your wisdom teeth taken out to safely play football. You should wait longer if this procedure had complications.

When can I eat solid foods again I had my wisdom teeth removed about 6 or 7 days ago. I'm feeling perfectly fine. And the only pain I feel is a little soreness.?

You can eat solid foods just a few days after wisdom teeth extraction. 6 days is enough time for the initial healing process. Food might get stuck in the holes where your wisdom teeth were, but you can rinse with water and salt to help clean them.

Why do your wisdom teeth have to be taken out?

they dont NEED to be taken out all the time. its just that usually our mouths cannot fit another set of teeth and since they are the last ones in they are the first to go and they are all the way in the back and sometimes never even break through. some people still have their wisdom teeth it just depends on the space

You are 14 is it possible your wisdom tooth is coming through as you are suffering disscomfort at the back of your mouth where you are told wisdom teeth come through?

Yes it possible. I am 13 and all 4 of my wisdom teeth are almost fully through. In fact I am having them taken out tomorrow morning........:(