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There was no gash, the iceberg buckled the steel plates making a gap between them

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Q: How long was the gash in the side of the titanic?
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How long was the tear in the titanic'side?

Adding all the gashes and the total distance that covered. the gash on Titanic's bow side, the gash was 300 feet long, but not a consistent gash 300 feet long.

How long was the gash in the Titanic from the ice burg?

2 miles

How big were the actual holes created by the collinson of the Titanic?

It was a single gash on her front starboard side, some 300 feet long.

How long was the tear in the bottom of the Titanic?

The gash in the side of the titanic from the iceberg was 350 feet long and 200 feet deep into the side. which aloowed water to get in which caused thetitanic to break in half an dthen sink. causing many deaths and tragedies.

Did the Titanic really sink because of the curse of Amen-Ra?

The Titanic sank because the iceberg it hit ripped a great big gash in the side of it.

How did the Titanic sink what happened?

The very basic answer is, it struck and iceberg which created a gash in the side of the ship an it filled with water.

Did the titanic boiler explode?

no. the iceberg created a gash in the side of the boat letting water get inside, causing the boat to sink.

What length was the gash that the iceberg cut into the hall of the Titanic?

There was no gash but the plates were buckled (rivets popped) for 258 feet.

How did the iceberge make the Titanic sank?

It ripped a gash in the hull.

What happend when the iceberg hit the titanic?

a 300-ft gash was torn in the starboard side. This was at 11:40 pm. It sunk at 2:20 am.

What was the number of water tight compartments on the titanic?

She had eight in all, and could have remained afloat with three of them flooded. But the gash punched in her side was 300ft long and opened up FIVE of them to the sea, meaning that her sinking was inevitable.

How did the iceburg sink the Titanic?

Titanic ran along side of the iceberg, and it ripped a gash in the hull. This let lots of water in, and because they couldn't stop the water coming in, pump it out fast, or isolate the affected compartments, the ship sank.