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30 days. but you can cut it down, by drinking water, cranberry juice, and excercising, and sitting in a sauna (or anything that makes you sweat.) try to eat well cos THC stores in fat cells.

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Q: How long will marijuana stay in your urine if you haven't smoked for a while?
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How long does one hit of high grade marijuana stay in your system?

About 10 nanograms per milliliter of urine. Most urine tests cut off at 20 nanograms per milliliter, so two hits that you don't hold in would probably be fine. One is definitely fine. I had probation and I looked into it a while back.

Does marijuana stay in your blood longer then urine?

No, marijuana typically stays in detectable levels longer in urine than in blood. THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, can be detected in urine for up to 30 days, while it is usually detectable in blood for a shorter period, typically up to a week.

Once you have smoked marijuana Does smoking salvia make THC levels rise?

My experience is that salvia and marijuana are complimentary. A little pot in a pipe with some salvia sprinkled over it and then smoked - even just one comfortable hit - can prolong the salvia effects while making the marijuana effects clearer.

Effects of smoking weed while pregnant?

The baby will come out small and the baby will end up crying because of all the Marijuana that you have smoked while carrying

Can you become a US Postal Inspector if you have used marijuana for more than three times?

How is your employer going to know when and how much marijuana you have smoked in your past? I think the real concern is whether you are smoking now, while employed. Many employers believe that people who smoke marijuana are a liability, prone to illness, more sick days, lower productivity, greater risk for accident and injury, so they will urine-test before and during employment. A positive urine test can cost you your job in many places.

How long does marijuana stay in your system while pregnant i smoked one bowl and have a drug test in one month with it still show up in a urine test?

I was told by a medical professional that the accepted estimate is 30 days so barring a hair follicle test you should be fine

If you smoked on the December the eight will marijuana be out your system on the last week of December?

This all depends how much you smoked before then. If you haven't smoked in a while the marijuana will get out of your system pretty quickly. If you only smoke that day you should get it out in less then a week. And if you play on smoking again just before that week just make sure you drink as much water as possible and try to sweat a lot.

If urine show is clean but marijuana may still be in the blood will that show in urine collected while menstruating?

Menstruation does not expell any blood, contrary to the uninformed belief.

Is it normal to trip on spice?

I have smoked spice for a while and ive NEVER Triped on It to me its like bud . ive heard SALVIA IS Better for Triping I havent Tried it yet but I want to.

Is hash a harder drug than marijuana and what are the side affects?

Hash and marijuana is the same plant. Hash is basically the trichomes of the marijuana buds, while marijuana (or weed/pot) is the bud itself. The side effects are the same as by consuming marijuana. Hash is often mixed and smoked with tobacco, so if you consider tobacco more dangerous than marijuana then technically you could say it's a "harder" drug.

How long does marijuana stay in a light user system?

If you smoked marijuana while you've had that hair growing on your head, marijuana use is detectable, so however long it takes you to grow a head of hair.

I smoked 2 hits last night will i pass a pee test?

You should pass unless you had marijuana in your system when you smoked the blunt