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Approximately 3 - 12 weeks depending on severity of case. However, your GP / physician will be able to comment on your individual circumstances.

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1mo ago

The duration of jaundice varies depending on the underlying cause. Mild cases may resolve within a few weeks, while more severe cases can last several months. It is crucial for the patient to receive proper medical treatment to address the underlying condition causing the jaundice.

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Q: How long will patient stay yellow after having jaundice?
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How long should you leave a mercury thermometer in patient's mouth?

A mercury thermometer should be left in a patient's mouth for about 3 minutes to get an accurate reading. Make sure the patient keeps their mouth closed during this time to ensure an accurate measurement.

Which pigment is the most nonpolar?

Carotenoids are typically the most nonpolar pigments due to their long hydrocarbon chains.

Why does yellow appear yellow?

The human eye is sensitive to electro-magnetic waves, within a very narrow band. This is known as 'White light'. This very narrow range has differing wavelengths. Red being the longest wavelength and blue being the shortest wavelength. which we see in a yellow is between this long/short limits of wavelength , hence we see yellow. Sir Isaac Newton( he of gravity fame), in his treatise named 'Optics'. demonstrated the splitting of white light into the colours of the rainbow. Going from longest wavelength to shortest wavelength , the colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, & indigo. Which we see in a natural rainbow in that order. The human eye is NOT sensitive to ultra-violet(UV) nor to infra-red, as they are just outside the sensitivity of the human eye.

Why would chlorine bleach turn cotton yellow?

Chlorine bleach can react with natural fibers like cotton and break down the fibers, causing them to weaken and appear yellow. This discoloration is often irreversible and can occur when the bleach is left on the fabric for too long or used in excessive amounts.

Is yellow color gasoline bad?

Gasoline is typically a pale yellow color in its natural state due to the presence of chemical compounds like hydrocarbons. As long as the gasoline is not discolored or has a foul smell, it is likely safe to use. However, it is always recommended to consult with a mechanic or fuel expert if you have concerns about the quality of gasoline.