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Q: How malaria parasite transmitted from one host to another?
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Where does the mosquito carry the malaria parasite?

it carries it to the host

What is the host of malaria?

Mosquitoes belonging to the Genus Anopheles.Reptile Aves and Mammals are primary host of plasmodium

What is a what is s parasite?

A parasite lives on another organism (host) at the expense of the host. The host is being harmed while the parasite is benefiting.

What does malaria do to the host?

Malaria is a disease which involves a parasitic organism (a type of paramecium) that lives inside mosquitoes for part of its life-cycle and inside human beings for another part of its life-cycle; it is the mosquitoes and the human beings which are serving as host organisms to the parasite. So no, malaria is not a host.

What is an internal parasite?

An external parasite is an organism that lives on another organism. The external parasite depends on its host for food and shelter while the host is usually harmed.

How long must a malaria parasite grow in its host before infection can be spread to human being?

a week or more

What happen to a parasite when the host were to die?

Either the parasite moves on or it dies along with the host. It really depends on the type of parasite.

What are the differences between a virus and a parasite?

A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism (the host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense. A virus is a form of parasite.

What is trophic transmission in cestodes?

Trophic transmission occurs when the encysted larval form of a parasite are transmitted to the final host during the consumption of the intermediate host. They then mature in the final host. In simple terms - the young of the parasite live in the gut of a prey animal. That prey animal is then consumed by a predator. If it is the correct predator (trophically transmitted parasites can be species-specific) then the parasite will mature and reproduce in the gut of the predator.

What is the relationship between a parasite and a host?

a parasite feeds from the host. sometimes making the host die.


Host: an organism that harbors another organism (parasite) inside or near its own body, typically providing nourishment and shelter for the parasite

Are there any known asexual parasites?

Gametocytes, the precursors of male and female gametes (egg and sperm) are formed in the human host. They do not cause the signs and symptoms of the disease but are a way that the parasite can transmit malaria to another host. Therefore they are considered to have sexual cycle.