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Q: How many '1's in the following sequence are followed immediately by a '2' that is not immediately followed by '3'?
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How many times does the word trouble maker appear in the bible?

In the King James version the word - trouble - appears 110 times It is never followed immediately by the word 'maker'. Nor is the word - troublemaker - present.

What is symphony number 50?

It's the one by the same composer that was published immediately following the publication of his Symphony #49. Very few composers ever wrote that many symphonies.

What is the largest numerical sequence?

I doubt that there is one unique sequence that answers this question. Infinitely many is infinitely many. How about the number line as one possible answer?

What is the probability of having 3 male offspring in a row?

There are factors such as genetic tendencies, age etc which favour male or female offspring so that the probability of a male offspring is not uniformally 1/2. Next, the question does not specify how many offspring in all, so the possible sequences could be [any sequence whether or not containing MMM] followed by [MMM] followed by [any sequence whether or not containing MMM]. As the sequence grows longer, the probability that somewhere in the sequence there are 3 male offspring in a row increases. For 3 offspring, the probability is 1/8 = 0.125 for 8 offspring, the probability is 107/256 = 0.418 The probabilities would need to be weighted together using the proportion of families that have 3 children, 4 children, and so on.

What is a number in a sequence?

There are infinitely many possible number sequences, and infinitely many numbers which can appear in those sequences. Any and every number can appear in a number sequence.

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How many '1's in the following sequence are followed immediately by a '2' that is not immediately followed by '3' 1 2 1 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 2 1 2 6 1 4 5 1 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 1 7 5 2 1 2 5?

there are 4 .

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None, since there are no symbols and so nothing which can be "immediately followed by symbol".None, since there are no symbols and so nothing which can be "immediately followed by symbol".None, since there are no symbols and so nothing which can be "immediately followed by symbol".None, since there are no symbols and so nothing which can be "immediately followed by symbol".

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There are 2 of the threes that meet your condition.

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It is difficult to provide an accurate number as incidents of following people home can vary widely based on location and other factors. It is important to stay aware of your surroundings and take precautions to avoid being followed. If you suspect someone is following you, contact the authorities immediately.

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Four of them.

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12,000,000+ shes the most followed on twitter and broke the following record.

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I think there are 5 instances.

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It's impossible to know this as he is following so many people.

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At the top right hand corner it tells you how many people you are following and how many people are following you. If you click on those that are following you, they are in order of when they started following you. So, the one at the top is your most recent follower.

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One, as indicated by the lack of an explicit subscript immediately following the symbol for carbon in the molecular formula.