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Q: How many C-130 aircraft does the U.S. Army have?
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How many planes were shot down in world war 2?

Approximately 4,234 US Navy/US Marine Corps Aircraft; 4,533 US Army/Air Corps Aircraft were lost in the Pacific/CBI Theaters. Approximately 20,000 US Army/Air Corps Aircraft were lost in the ETO theater; approximately 20,000 US Aircraft were lost to accidents & operational causes IN THE UNITED STATES.

How many combat capable aircraft did the Army Aviation Section have when the US entered World War 1?


What kind of bombers does the US Army have?

None. Dedicated bombers are exclusively the domain of the Air Force. Fighter/Bombers and attack aircraft can be found in the Air Force, Navy, and Marines. The US Army has no such aircraft.

Why can't the US Army have Fixed-Wing Aircraft with guns bombs and missiles?

The Army does have fixed winged aircraft. The Army Does Not have ARMED fixed-winged aircraft. It does Not have fixed-wing aircraft armed with guns, missiles, rockets and/or bombs. Next time, read the question.

What are the names the fighter jets use in army?

The US army has no fixed wing aircraft. This was part of the 1949 agreement that separated the Air Force from the Army. Air Force gets all fixed wing aircraft, Army gets helicopters.

Did the pilots during World War 2 that flew off the navy carriers fall under the army air corp or where they navy?

US Navy Aircraft Carriers normally operated US Navy aircraft flown by US Navy pilots; however sometimes during WW2 these aircraft carriers had US Army Air Force or US Marine Corps aircraft on-board to be flown-off by Army or Marine pilots. This was for ferrying operations. These aircraft would take off from the carriers but land on an airfield. Army pilots were not trained to land on carriers, neither were the Army aircraft equipped for carrier landings. US Marine pilots & Marine aircraft could operate from carriers if necessary, until they could be established at an airfield.

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Surface warships: Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers; and US Navy/US Army aircraft.

Who built the first airplanes for the united states army?

The Wright brothers Wright model A was the US Army's first aircraft in 1908.

What was the first military aircraft?

The US Army bought their first aicraft from the Wright Brothers and it was called the Wright Flyer. The first aircraft casualty was an Army officer who was flying with one of the Wright brothers when he crashed.

How many army airfields are in the US?

how many army airfileds are in the US

What is the worlds largest air force?

The United States has the largest air force in the world. Take note, the US Air Force is not the largest air force in the world based on number of Aircraft. The US Navy/Marine Corps has many more aircraft, and the US Army has more aircraft, mostly helicopters, than any of the other individual branches.

Is a stealth bomber the most heavy aircraft the us army has?

No. The C-5 Galaxy is the largest and heaviest.