

How many Fahrenheit is 2c?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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Start by multiplying with 9 and divide by 5. Then add 32 to the answer.

In this case the answer is 35 degree fahrenheit.

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Q: How many Fahrenheit is 2c?
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The question is the temperature at which F = 2C F = 32 + C x 1.8 Substitute for F = 2C 2C = 32 + 1.8 C 0.2 C = 32 C = 160 F = 32 + 160 x 1.8 = 32 + 288 = 320 Answer is: Celsius = 160 Fahrenheit = 320

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Temperature is easy to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius yourself. You can use the formula Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32) where Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. 36 F is 2C.

30 degrees Fahrenheit is how much in celsius?

Start by taking the number in Celsius and multiply it by 9. Then divide that number by 5, and then add 32. This is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or use the equation F = (9/5)C + 32In this case, the answer is about -22 degrees Fahrenheit.

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