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The sole purpose of Treblinka was to kill Jews and gypsies as quickly as possible after their arrival. It was an extermination camp. A relatively small number of new arrivals were 'selected' for grave digging and sorting the possessions of gassed victims. For these reasons the camp was small, and the number of prisoners there was small, too - probably not more than about 1,500 at any time.

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800,000 Jews were sent and killed at Treblinka.

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Q: How many Jews were transported to Treblinka?
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Where did the Jews from the ghetto go?

From the ghettos they were marched to railway stations, forced into cattle trucks and transported to extermination camps, such as Auschwitz II and Treblinka.

How many Jews were sent from the Warsaw Ghettos to Treblinka extermination camp and How long did it take?

310,000+ Jews were sent to Treblinka. The time period was between less than 3 months.

Treblinka extermination camp was built to murder the Jews of the?

Initially, Treblinka was built to kill the Jews in the Warsaw and Bialystock ghettos.

How many Jews and Gypsies were killed at Treblinka?

The figure of about 870,000 is frequently given.

Who were the people that were sent to treblinka?

mainly Jews.

Who was imprisoned at Treblinka?

Jews , Romani and political prisoners .

Did there occur crimes against humanity in the Treblinka concentration camp?

Yes. The only purpose of Treblinka was to kill Jews and an estimated 850,000 were murdered there.

What work was done in the Warsaw ghetto?

The Jews were forced to build a wall. This was done so the Jews could not escape until the Germans could send them to concentration camps. Many were sent to Treblinka for extermination.

What kind of people were sent to treblinka?

the vast majority were Jews, a large proportion were from the Warsaw ghetto.

Where is Treblinka?

Treblinka II was the main extermination camp after Auschwitz II (Birkenau). An estimated 850,000 Jews were slaughtered there and only about 40-45 survived.

How did Nazis transport the Jews?

Nazis transported the Jews by train mostly.

Did the Nazis gas the Jews in concentration camp?

Yes, in extermination camps like Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor.