

Best Answer

Three acid dissociation constants, for

  1. The carboxyl (C=OOH) group
  2. The α-amino group NH3+
  3. The ε-amino group NH3+
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1w ago

Lysine has two acid-base dissociation constants: one for the amino group (NH2) and one for the carboxyl group (COOH).

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Q: How many acid-base dissociation constants are in lysine?
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How many ionoization constant are associated with oxalic acid?

Oxalic acid (H2C2O4) has two ionization constants since it can donate two protons. The ionization constants represent the extent to which the acid dissociates in water to form ions.

What are the real life applications of Equilibrium constants?

Equilibrium constants are used in various fields such as chemistry, biology, and environmental science. They are used to predict the direction of a chemical reaction, determine the concentration of reactants and products at equilibrium, and understand the factors that influence the equilibrium position of a reaction. These constants are crucial for designing chemical processes, calculating reaction yield, and optimizing reaction conditions.

How many tripeptides can be formed from glycine lysine and cysteine?

There are 3 possible amino acids to choose from for each position in a tripeptide (Glycine, Lysine, Cysteine). So, the total number of possible tripeptides that can be formed with these amino acids is 3 x 3 x 3 = 27.

When potassium sulfide dissociates how many particles are left?

When potassium sulfide (K2S) dissociates, it forms two K+ ions and one S2- ion. So, a total of three particles are left after dissociation.

How many functional groups does the peptide MDFGRKCDE have that can be titrated?

The peptide MDFGRKCDE has four titratable functional groups which are the amino groups on the N-terminus, the side chain amino group of lysine (K), the carboxyl group of aspartate (D), and the carboxyl group of glutamate (E).

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Symbolic constants are constants that the programmer has decided to give a symbolic name (usually one with a meaning to make it easy to remember) so he does not have to retype the numeric value every time he needs it and risk making an error. Many coding standards require ALL constants to be symbolic constants, even if only used once in the program.

What are math constants?

Certain numbers like Pi and e and Euler's constant are know as math constants. A constant is a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in math. There are many constants, the ones I mentioned are only a few of the most famous ones.

How many moles of ions are produced by the dissociation of 0.5 mol of Na2CO3?

1.5 moles

If an inductive circuit how many time constants does it take for current to reach its maximum value?

5 Time constants 1T 63.2% 2T 86.4% 3T 94.9% 4T 98.1% 5T 100%

How many ionization constants are associated with oxalic acid (H2C2O4)?

2 Hydrogen atoms.

How many ionoization constant are associated with oxalic acid?

Oxalic acid (H2C2O4) has two ionization constants since it can donate two protons. The ionization constants represent the extent to which the acid dissociates in water to form ions.

Where can one purchase Lysine supplements?

Lysine supplements can be purchased at various places, including pharmacies, health food stores, and online retailers. It is important to check the quality and reliability of the brand before making a purchase, and consult with a healthcare professional for dosage recommendations.

Why is lysine important?

Lysine is an essential amino acid, meaning our bodies cannot produce it and it must be obtained from our diet. It plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and is necessary for the growth and maintenance of tissues, as well as the production of enzymes and hormones. Additionally, lysine is involved in the formation of collagen, the building block of healthy skin, bones, and connective tissues.

What is a constant in real data type?

There are many constants, starting from number of seconds in minute, hour and so on, number of days in leap year and not leap, well known from math PI = 3.1415..., all physical and chemical constants and so on.