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Q: How many awards did Edwin Powell Hubble have?
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One at a time.

The scientist who proved the existence of galaxies other than the Milky Way was who?

Mister Edwin Hubble did just that, before the 1920's, many astronomers thought that our galaxy included everyobject in space, in 1924 Edwin Hubble proved that other galaxies existed beyond the milky way

Who created and built the Hubble Telescope?

There were many scientists who created and built the Hubble Telescope under the auspices of NASA. The telescope was named after Edwin Hubble, an astronomer in the early 1900s.

How many brothers and sisters Edwin hubble have?

his sisters Lucy Lee and Helen and his brothers William and Henry

How many siblings did Edwin Hubble have?

4 i think 2 sisters and 2 brothers but im not sure

How many mvp awards did Edwin Jackson win?

Edwin Jackson never won the MVP Award.

How many parents did Edwin Hubble have?

Two biological parents - a father and a mother. Just like any human.

Edwin Hubble found the galaxy in 1923 where did he found it?

In 1923, Edwin Hubble showed that the "spiral nebulae" that were presumed to be within our galaxy, the Milky Way, were actually other galaxies that lay far beyond our. The following year, he showed that the Milky Way was just one of many galaxies in the universe. Hubble's discovery, announced on January 1, 1925, fundamentally changed the view of the universe.

What did the hubble discover that indicated that the universe is expanding?

Edwin Hubble did not discover any planets. He is most famous for demonstrating that the "spiral nebulae" were, in fact, other galaxies lying far outside the Milky Way, and for discovering the relationship between redshift (= recessional velocity) of galaxies and their distances.

How many awards did Edwin H Land get?

Because chang likes to abg like a arrangatang!

What are 2 discoveries that Edwin Hubble made which changed astronomy?

Edwin Hubble demonstrated that The Milky Way (our galaxy) is not the only galaxy that exists, but that there are many more galaxies in the universe. Also, he examined the wavelength of light coming from various galaxies, and determined that the further away it was, the greater the shift of wavelength into the red end of the spectrum. This is called 'Hubble's Law' and meant that the whole universe was expanding and not just that objects were moving within it.

Who was the astronomer that discovered the universe was expanding?

Edwin HubbleAnswer2:Hubble did not believe the universe is expanding. The universe is not expanding like the big bang, it is excited like an atom. The electrons jump to a higher level and lower their speed. The lower speed is a lower energy state, the max energy is when v=c.Hubble;s relationship v=HD indicates the distance D from the max energy state, where v = c.Hubble's Constant is dR/Rdt =c/R =H = 300M/150TT = 2E-18 m/s x31E21 = 62km/s/Megaparsec.