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the most you can have is sadly 3... wish you could have more!

Ive have more than ten at least come out and i don't know what happened but they just kept going!! it was probably a glitch though.

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only 6 :(

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Q: How many babies can you have a one time in the Sims 3?
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How many babies can you have at one time in sims 2?

without using any mods for your game, your sims can have 2 babies at one time.

Can you have as much babies as you like on sims 1?

I believe there is not limit to how many babies your Sims can have, although I don't think you can have more than one baby in the 'cot stage' at a time.

Can you have 10 babies on the sims 2 at the same time?

You can't have 10 babies at once in one family and i don't know if you can have 10 babies at once on sims 2.

How many babies can you have on sims 3 ambitions?

Well you cant have any more then 8 sims in one household at a time, so if your a single mum you can have only 7?

How many babies can you have on sims?

As many you want but you can only have up to 10 people in one house at a time and if a sim has to much 'woohoo' he/she might die of ehustion, it can happen.

Can you have babies on sims 2 for ps2 or not?

yes you can have babies. i have the game i know. first you get the 2 sims 2 relax on a double bed then you click on one of then and kiss. then you click on them again and makout . click one more time and woohoo with them.

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how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ?

How many babies does a mongoose have a one time?

a mongoose can have up to 5 babies at one time

Can you have babies on The Sims 2 PS2?

No not even one

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i think pandas have about 2 babies at a time! i think pandas have about 2 babies at a time!

How many babies does dusky dolphin have?

21 babies at one time ..

When you get sims 3 ambitions app do you get the free one to have babies?
