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Q: How many babies does a wolverine have a litter?
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I believe that stoats have about 5-12 babies in a litter. They can have a litter once a year.

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usaly flies have up to 5 to 12 babies per litter

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one or two in a litter of an Asian elephant.

How many babys do a wolverine have?

They can have 1-3 babies because they are mammals.

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1 too 20 babies

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a mouse can have up to 5 to 7 babies in a litter

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about 8 per litter

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six or five to a litter

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About three

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How many babies does a guinea pig produce?

Up to 100 babies per litter

How many babies can a pygmy rabbit have in a liter?

The average litter size is 6 babies