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on average 1.6 million barrels per day

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Q: How many barrels does Athabasca oil sands make per day?
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Pistol barrels range from 2" to 12", and almost every increment in between. Longer barrels increase accuracy, shorter barrels make for more compactness.

How many barrels of oil does it take to make a tire?

It takes one barrel of oil to make a tire

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How many barrels in 60000 tons?

To convert tons to barrels, the conversion factor will depend on the type of material being referred to (e.g. oil, wine, etc.) as they all have different densities. For crude oil, which is a common reference, 1 ton is roughly equivalent to 7.33 barrels. Therefore, 60,000 tons of crude oil would be approximately equal to 60,000 * 7.33 = 439,800 barrels.

How many pages does Vermilion Sands have?

Vermilion Sands has 192 pages.

How many barrels are in one long ton?

That depends what the barrels are of and how much the individual barrels weigh.