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there is no specific number

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Q: How many books turn into movies each year?
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Can you turn in to a wizzard?

No, not as seen in movies or read about in books

How do you turn in to a vampire?

There is no such thing as vampires, they are just in movies and books. But I wish that there was vampires, that would be very fun. In movies and books, the only way to turn into a vampire is get bitten by one.

Why are books turn into movies?

Books are turned into movies to make money, extra entertainment, and give readers a chance to "live" the book.

Why did J.K. Rowling turn the Harry Potter books into movies?

Presumably because she wanted people to enjoy her series as movies as well as books.

How can you find a vampire that will turn you?

You can find a vampire in movies and story books only. Vampires do not exist.

Can A Human Turn Into A Vampire?

Nope, its possible in fantasy books,movies etc. not in real life

In the Harry Potter movies when will fenrir greyback turn into a werewolf?

Will he ever? That never happens in the books.

Will the moon turn you into a mermaid forever?

No. You can NOT turn into a mermaid. People can NOT change into other things it is physically impossible. Mermaids are not real and do NOT exist in real life. They are only from stories, movies, books, and movies. They are make believe.

How do you turn into a mermaid then back to a human?

You can not turn into a mermaid. There are no mermaids they are not real and there is no magic spell to turn you into one. Mermaids are only in books, stories, games, and movies. It is all make believe and you can NOT turn into one.

Are jacquline Wilson's books similar to each other?

She has written a large number of books. Some of her characters turn up in later books.

Can you turn into a vamp?

You cannot turn into a vamp or a vampire as this is a fictional creature. Based on various movies and books, the most common way its to be killed and then given the blood of a vampire.

Can a cat turn you into catwoman?

No, cats do not possess the ability to turn humans into fictional characters like Catwoman. Catwoman is a character from comic books and movies, she does not exist in real life.