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Q: How many boys live in the US with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy today?
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What race does Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy usually occur in?

it happent to boys of any race

How many people have duchenne muscular dystrophy disease?

Around 12% of males die from Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy

What is duchenne's muscular dystrophy disease?


How is Muscular Dystrophy tested for?

In the 1860s, descriptions of boys who grew progressively weaker, lost the ability to walk, and died at an early age became more prominent in medical journals. In the following ten years, French neurologist Guillaume Duchenne gave a comprehensive account of 13 boys with the most common and severe form of the disease (which now carries his name - Duchenne muscular dystrophy). It soon became evident that the disease had more than one form, and that these diseases affected males of all ages. Nine diseases including Duchenne, Becker, limb girdle, congenital, facioscapulohumeral, myotonic, oculopharyngeal, distal, and Emery-Dreifuss are always classified as muscular dystrophy.

What is the percentage of muscular dystrophy in males?

Prevalence of MD is higher in males. In the United States, Duchenne and Becker MD occur in approximately one in 3,300 boys. Overall incidence of MD is about 63 per one million people.

Who gets muscular dystrophy?

Usually boys get it it is very rare if women get it. Boys usually get it from ages 1-6.

What is the most common fatal genetic disease in the US Huntington's disease color blindness hemophilia cystics fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis 1/3300 children affected Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 1/3600 boys affected (Color blindness is not fatal, BTW)

What is muscular dystrophy caused by?

caused by the genetic traits in your famiy that are passed down, but mostlyaffects boys.

Is muscular dystrophy inherited?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy inheirited recessively meaning it is not passed nessicerially every generation. DMD is recessive it explain why boys commonly get it, affeted fathers pass it on to 50% of daughters and none of his sons assuming the mother is normal. The daughters aren't affected by the disease but they passes it on to 50% own sons and none of there daughters assuming the father is normal.

How many people die from muscular dystrophy each year?

I am not sure exactaly but i hear 1 out of 2 boys are diagnost

How can two unaffected people have a child who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

This is exactly how DMD is transmitted: the defect resides on the X chromosome. Women have 2 X chromosomes, so even if one of the X chromosomes has the DMD trait, the other X chromsome does not and they never get DMD. This is why boys exclusively get Duchenne - they have only one X chromosome. So if a woman carries the Duchenne trait, there is a 50% chance that she will pass DMD to her male offspring. Similarly, there's a 50% chance that her daughters will become carriers like her.

What do patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy experience by late childhood?

Climbing stairs and rising unaided may become impossible by age nine or ten, and most boys use a wheelchair for mobility by the age of 12. Weakening of the trunk muscles around this age often leads to scoliosis (a side-to-side spine curvature)