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It is estimated that the Tri-state tornado destroyed approximately 15,000 homes, which would have accounted for the majority of the buildings destroyed.

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Q: How many buildings did the tri-state tornado destroy?
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It depends on the intensity of the tornado. Weak tornadoes (EF0 and EF1) can topple trees, destroy sheds and barns, and severely damage or mostly destroy trailers. Stronger structures will sutain mild to moderate damage. Strong tornadoes (EF2 and EF3) will obliterate trailers and many weak structures. Many houses may be mostly destroyed by an EF3. Violent tornadoes (EF4 and EF5) will destroy even the strongest buildings, with an EF5 leaving behind nothing but a bare foundation of most houses.

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Tornadoes can destroy as much houses as it can depending on the length of their path. Most tornadoes are too weak to destroy houses, causing mostly superficial damage. However, in the works cases a tornado can destroy thousands of houses.

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The longest tornado damage path was 219 miles, but it did not destroy absolutely everything along that path.

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many houses and telephone lines were Rockne and or cut off

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See Website: Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How many countries have tornados destroyed?

None. A tornado is fairly small compared to other types of storm. While a large enough tornado could destroye a town, not tornado is large enough to destroy a country.

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