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Q: How many caudal vertebrae do moose have?
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How many vertebrae are in a cow's tail?

A cow has from 18 - 20 caudal (tail) vertebrae

How many vertebrae form the caudal vertebra?

varies, depending on the species.

How many bones does the human back have?

7 cervical vertebrae + 12 thoracic vertebrae + 5 lumbar verterbae + 5 sacral vertebrae + 4 caudal vertebrae = 33

How many cervical vertebrae do moose have?

The moose has seven cervical vertebrae.Almost all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae. The only exceptions are manatees and sloths.

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How many cervical vertebrae does a spider monkey have?

7 Cervical, 13 Thoratic, 4 Lumbar, 3 Sacral and 30 Caudal for a total of 57 vertebrae.

How many vertebrae are in a whale's spine?

preferabley a whale has 51 vertabrea in its spine

What are the five fused vertebrae with which the hip bones move called?

The five vertebrae that are fused within the pelvic bones are the sacral vertebrae, as well as a few vestigal caudal vertebrae that are called the coccyx in humans.

How many vertebrates do cows have?

The variation in number is in the tail, where cattle can have between 18 to 20 vertebrae in the caudal region, or the tail. There are also seven cervical (neck) vertebrae, 13 thoracic (rib cage) vertebrae, six lumbar (loin) and five sacral (sirloin) vertebrae.

What is a caudal vertabra?

Caudal vertebrae are tiny bones at the end of the spine and make up the tail bone in humans. In animals, they extend far into the tail but become more and more regressive and smaller as you go along

How many bones does a rabbit have?

About 200

How are humans and giraffes related in the skeletal system?

Mammals have 7 cervical (neck) vertebrae. This is true of giraffes. The total number of dorsal vertebrae also varies, but is usually fairly constant among mammalian families. The hoofed mammals almost always have 19 dorsal vertebrae. That is also true in humans.In mammals, the sacrum is formed by the fusion of 3 to 5 vertebrae. True for both.The number of caudal vertebrae can vary between individuals. But it is about 20 for the giraffe. Humans may have 2-3.Mammals have 7 cervical (neck) vertebrae. This is true of giraffes. The total number of dorsal vertebrae also varies, but is usually fairly constant among mammalian families. The hoofed mammals almost always have 19 dorsal vertebrae. That is also true in humans.In mammals, the sacrum is formed by the fusion of 3 to 5 vertebrae. True for both.The number of caudal vertebrae can vary between individuals. But it is about 20 for the giraffe. Humans may have 2-3.