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Q: How many chairs were on the Titanic when it sank?
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Related questions

How many children were on the Titanic when it sank?

There was 108 children on the Titanic when it sank

How many sank to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean with the titanic?

1514 people died when the titanic sank.

How many musicians where an the Titanic when it sank?

You never know how many musicians were on the Titanic when it sank but if you want to know, there was 8 musicians who played when the craft sank.

How many people were lost when the Titanic sank?

1517 perished when it sank.

Was it Olympic that sank and not Titanic?

No. Titanic sank; the Olympic did not.

How Many People Jumped Off Titanic?

the people that were not in the titanic when it sank

Sausages sank with the Titanic?

Almost certainly a great number of sausages sank with the Titanic, but nobody will ever know how many!!

How many trips did the titanic make before it sank?

It sunk on its maiden (or first) voyage. The Titanic sank on its first trip across the Atlantic.

Who sank first Titanic or Britannic?

The Titanic sank in 1912 And the Britannic sank in 1916

How many storeys did the titanic have?

One. It sank

Did the titanic have dogs inside when it sank?

Yes. There were as many as four dogs that died when Titanic sank - and three survived in the lifeboats.

How many people reacted when they heard the titanic sank?

I imagine many thousands of people reacted when the Titanic (note capital) sank. Or did you mean 'What was the reaction of many people....'?