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An average paragraph should have about 5-7 sentences in it! If you are writing an essay, I suggest you write more. For an essay I would suggest 7-10 sentences!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

About 5-7 sentences :)

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: How many characters does the average paragraph have?
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When explaining all the characters in a book report what is the best way to write it all as one paragraph or separate paragraphs?

in one paragraph,if your paragrah is too long then do 2 characters per paragraph be creative.

Abbreviation for paragraph?

The abbreviation for paragraph is : ℙ. Which can be found under edit and then special characters on macs.

How many characters does the average book have?


Can two characters talk in the same paragraph?

Usually not--each new speaker should start a new paragraph.

What is a set of characters with a specific size and style?

font or paragraph

What is only visible of nonprinting characters are turned on?

When "Show nonprinting characters" is turned on, you can see symbols representing spaces, tabs, and paragraph breaks in a document. These characters are not printed on the page but help you visualize the layout and formatting of the document.

Formatting marks such as paragraph symbols and dots for spaces are called?

Nonprintable characters

What are special characters that appear on a screen but do not print?

They are unprintable formatting characters. They indicate line and paragraph breaks for instance.

What is special characters or symbols used to set off a paragraph?

Pilcrow Sign (ΒΆ) used by MS Office Word to setoff a Paragraph.

Characters that display on the screen to show the location of paragraph marks?

text effects

What is the button in the paragraph group to turn on the display of nonprinting characters?


What is inserted in your document when you press the enter key?

A line break occurs as you end a paragraph and you will see a paragraph marker if you have the hidden characters on.