

How many children did Fibonacci have?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Fibonacci had 3 children but don't there names


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How many children did Loenardo Fibonacci have?

Not known for sure

How many children does Fibonacci have?

well i recon he had three children because all evidence leads in that way i may be wrong!!!!

Where did Leonardo Fibonacci children grew up?

fibonacci's children grew up in a small town called Holden McCock he did have kids and a wife

Who are Leonardo Fibonacci Children?

yes yes

What was Fibonacci's children's names?

Leonardo lived in Pisa Italy

Who was Leonardo Fibonacci married to?

It is not known whether he was married or not or if he had children.

Did Leonardo Fibonacci of siblings?

I read that he was the youngest of 14 children.

When was Fibonacci married?

yes he was married. In the 13th century, Fibonacci married Marie Muntopoly and they had 4 children together. Their 3rd child; however, died when he was 8.

Who was Leonardo Fibonacci's wife?

There is very little known about Fibonacci's personal life - whether he ever married or had children or even exactly how he died.

Why did Fibonacci create the Fibonacci Sequence?

I think Fibonacci wanted to find how many swirls or petals were on a flower ....... most of them are Fibonacci numbers....i think.... doin a projct......= )

What did Fibonacci do?

He was a Mathematician, who discovered the Fibonacci sequence, Fibonacci polynomials, Fibonacci Pseudoprime, Reciprocal Fibonacci Constant, and many more things. His dad wanted him to be a wealthy merchant. He was amazingly good in math.

Does Leonardo Fibonacci have children?

he has 20 daughters and 1 son and 20 wives.