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They had one set of twins: Artemis (female) and Apollo (male).

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Q: How many children did Leto and Zeus have and what were their names?
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What is Apollo's family?

¨Twin sister Artemis (Goddess of the wilderness) ¨Apollo had many half siblings all children of Zeus. ¨Son of Zeus and Leto. Apollo never married

Why did greek goddesses leto and greek god Zeus spilt up?

Zeus and Leto (mother of Helen of Troy) did not split up. In fact, they were never together. Zeus "visited" many women and often did not acknowledge them afterwards their night together. Also, Leto was not a goddess, she was a human.

How many children did Leto and Amphion have?

They never had children; the children of Amphion and Niobe were killed by Leto's children Apollo and Artemis.

All of Zeus' friends?

Zeus didn't have many male friends, only his female mates. Including, Calisto, Demeter, and Leto. Most of which were mortals.

How many children did Zeus have and what were their names?

about 1000 but there are 12 most inportant ones

Who were the parents of Leto the mother of Artemis and Apollo?

Artemis' parents are Leto (mother) and Zeus (father). Her only true sibling is her twin brother Apollo, but she has many half siblings such as Athena, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Hercules, Perseus, and Helen, since she is the daughter of Zeus.

What was the problem in Zeus Lover's?

Zeus constantly had affairs with many mortal women, occasionally nymphs. Hera, his jealous wife would often strike out against the women and make them suffer, since she couldn't really do any harm to Zeus. One example was Zeus and Leto. When Hera found out Leto was pregnant after having an affair with Zeus she cursed Leto to be unable to actually give birth on the island that she stayed. Zeus, pitied her, changed Leto into a bird who flew to one of the other islands and gave birth to Artemis and Apollo with hatched from eggs.

What were the names of the children of the Greek god Zeus?

He has way too many children to enumerate them all here.

How many wives did Zeus have and what were there names?

A lot..... to many to count but I can name as many as I know Hera- Zeus's queen and mother of Ares and Hepheastus Maia- Hermes mother Metis- Athena's mother, Zeus's first wife, and the goddess who told Zeus how to overthrow Cronus Leto- The Mother of the twins Apollo and Artemis Io- Zeus's cow wife Semele-Dionysus's mother That's all I know of.... Sorry! ! ! :)

What are the names of the wives and children of Zeus?

There are countless children and wives of Zeus. Zeus' main wife is Hera, although he has had many affairs with mortals behind her back. Some sons of Zeus include, Hermes, Dionysus, Appollo, Hercules, Artemis, Athena, and plenty more.

What are the names of wives and children of Zeus?

There are countless children and wives of Zeus. Zeus' main wife is Hera, although he has had many affairs with mortals behind her back. Some sons of Zeus include, Hermes, Dionysus, Appollo, Hercules, Artemis, Athena, and plenty more.

Who else was a part of Apollos family?

His father, Zeus, his mother Leto, his twin sister Artemis. Apollo also has many other siblings due to the many affairs of Zeus.