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in the early 1850s how many recorded deathes were wer there for children under the age of 12 mounths

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Q: How many children died of diseases in the 1800s?
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hard to calulate as many diseases occured because of malnutrition.

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How many children die from waterborne diarrheal diseases?

How many children are born with diseases BESIDES autism every day?

Autism is NOT a disease. Many diseases do not show symptoms until later in life and as such it is impossible to say how many children are born with diseases. Furthermore it depends on the diseases, the country or location, and the time span of births.

How many children died in Pompeii?

We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.We do not know how many children or adults for that matter, died in Pompeii.

How many had died because of diseases at Valley Forge?

Go to no caps!

What difficulties did the pilgrams face in Plimouth?

The pilgrims faced many diseases. Many of them died in winter of either the cold or the diseases.

How long did a person live in the 1800s?

The life expectancy in the 1800s varied based on factors like location and socioeconomic status, but it was generally much lower than today. The average life expectancy in the mid-1800s was around 40-50 years.

How many French people died in the Crimean war?

95,000; 60,000 of them died of diseases.

Why do children get vaccinations?

Children are vaccinated against several diseases: polio, smallpox, to name two, in order to create antibodies in their blood. These antibodies will help to fight off any attack in the future by the polio, smallpox viruses. <><><><><><><><><><><><><> To add to the very good answer above- I am an old guy (great grandfather) When I was a child, there were many diseases that you could catch- measles, chicken pox, polio, diphtheria, typhus, smallpox- and each year, children died from those diseases. Being vaccinated against those diseases keeps you from catching those diseases- and that means that children do not die, but live to grow up.

How many children die from diseases each day?

about 30,000 above or below

How many people died of diseases during the civil war?

About 123,452