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Q: How many churches were planted by paul?
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How did Paul govern the churches that he planted?

If you are asking if Paul remained at the church he planted , then the answer is no as he planted several churches , he sent people to manage them like Timothy and Titus who were young and eager workers for Paul.

How did Paul hear about the churches he wrote to?

In many cases, it is believed that Paul heard about the churches he wrote to through other believers who had visited or had connections to those locations. Additionally, Paul may have received updates about the churches through letters, reports, or messengers from those communities. However, the exact means by which Paul received information about the churches is not always specified in his letters.

Are there any churches today where Paul planted churches?

Yes. The ancient Churches which the Apostle Paul planted throughout Asia minor, the Balkans, and Greece are still in existence. The Church at Thessilonica, a recipient of two of the Apostles letters, has continued since his time to preserve the ancient Faith.

How did Paul influence the early church?

Paul founded many of the early New Testament Churches. He taught the churches what he had received from the Lord. He guided and corrected the early churches. Paul also prayed for the many New Testament churches.

How many Paul's letter to Churches?


What churches were founded by Paul?

Paul founded several churches during his missionary journeys, including the churches in Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, and Ephesus. These churches were located in various regions of the ancient Roman Empire.

How many churches did the Apostle Paul start?

The exact number of churches that the Apostle Paul started is not known, but he is associated with founding several churches in the Mediterranean region, including churches in Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, and Thessalonica. These churches were established during his missionary journeys to spread the teachings of Christianity.

Which churches established in Asia are credited to Paul?

Churches Paul developed included Corinth, Ephesus, Thessaloniki. Philippa, Galatia, Colossi, and the Church at Rome. He assisted many others.

How many churches did St. Paul start?

The number of churches started by Saint Paul is not stated in the New Testament. Although there are seven that he is directly said to have started.

Did Paul wrote all of the letters to community christians that he had formed?

No, Paul did not write all the letters to the Christian communities he had formed. Some letters attributed to Paul in the New Testament are believed to have been written by his followers or other early Christian leaders.

This man has many churches named after him and he was a missionary?

Probably the greatest Christian missionary was St Paul, and so I suspect St Paul is the person you are enquiring about. Many churches are dedicated to him too - the most famous being St Paul's Basilica in Rome (where St Paul is buried) and St Paul's Cathedral, London. If you're looking for an answer to a Kids Quiz question, then the answer is apparently "Selwyn".

In which book is Paul's letter to a group of churches?

Galatians was written to the churches in Galatia.