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There are 3 colors on the spectrum wheel :green,yellow,and red...nevertheless they just combine to make another color.

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Q: How many colours are there on the spectrum wheel?
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Whats is newtons wheel?

Newtons wheel suggested by Newton is a disc divided into 7 sections each containing one of the colours of the spectrum when spun the eye can not focus on the individual colours and so the merge together combining to form a white disc.

How many colours are observed in the spectrum?

There are seven colours in the spectrum namely:Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo and Violet Seven: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

What is pure spectrum?

A Clearly visible spectrum in which colours are monochromatic and adjacent colours do not overlap eachother is called pure spectrum.

What colors do xanthrophyll absorb and reflect?

It absorbs all colours of the spectrum but yellow which is refelcted It absorbs all colours of the spectrum but yellow which is refelcted

What is the range of colours called?

visible spectrum

What is The spreading of light into its different colours?

Its a spectrum

How many colours the sunlight spectrum has?

The sunlight spectrum has seven colors. The colors are: red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and violet. The abbreviation for the spectrum is ROY G. BIV

What type of colors are next to eachother on the color wheel?

On a color wheel there is a spectrum of colors arranged in a circle. The primary and secondary colors are emphasized. The secondary colors orange, purple, and green are made of equal parts of two of the primary colors red, blue, and yellow.

Why some colors are not seen distinctly in the rainbow?

the colours at the beginning of the spectrum are absorbed by our atmosphere because they have shorter wave lenghts. this makes those colours less distinct then the colours at the other end of the spectrum.

What is ment by spectrum?

A spectrum can take many forms. It usually means a range or group of things. For example... White light is split into the spectrum of colours by a prism. Radio waves form a small part of the electro-magnetic spectrum.

How is colour used in pop art?

the primary colours and he secondary colours which are on the colour wheel and the colours are.... primary colours: red, blue and yellow secondary colours: purple, pink and orange

What is meant by spectrum wave?

Spectrum = the band of colours produced when light is split into its component frequencies