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Q: How many cultures in South AFRICA?
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What are the beliefs is South Africa?

There are many different cultures with many different believes please specify.

What does the term Rainbow Nation mean?

It refers to the many diverse cultures and races within South Africa.

Can south African sport and soccer unite cultures?

Sports in South Africa, especially soccer and rugby, have certainly united cultures throughout the past and will probably continue to for many years to come.

Why is Africa a major mix of culture?

Africa is many countries and many cultures it isn't one place. Africa is a continent.

How many country are in South Africa?

South Africa has no countries

Where did tritik originate?

in Indonesia and Africa but many cultures have versions of it

Are the cultures similar in Africa?

Yes, the different Cultures in Africa are Similar

How many psychiatrists are there in south Africa?

2,222,222,222,228,595,652 psychiatrists are in South Africa.

Does South Africa export products to Africa?

South Africa is in Africa. It exports products to many other countries in Africa.

What is the meaning of the word Africa?

The term "Africa" refers to the continent located south of Europe and southwest of Asia, known for its diverse cultures, wildlife, and landscapes.

What is the meaning of the term 'kaloo'?

There is no information on the internet about what the term "Kaloo" means. However,Kaloo is a comon name in many cultures - Hindi, Duladen, Kenya, South Africa.

How many nations in South Africa?

One."South Africa" is short for the Republic of South Africa - it's one country.