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Q: How many data series does a pie chart generally use in excel?
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In Excel you can apply a chart type to an existing data series in a chart to create a?

different type of chart

What is a time series chart?

A time series chart is good for showing data that occurs over a time interval, but the intervals between data points are not consistent. See related links for how to make a time series chart with Excel.

What is data series in Excel?

When you are creating charts in Excel a data series refers to the sets of values that are going to be on the chart, be it a line chart, a bar chart, a pie chart etc. Different types of charts can work with different kinds of series. If you select the data you want to chart, and use the Chart Wizard, it will detect what data you have chosen and define it into series for the purposes of being on the chart. You can do things like give names to the series or set colours for them or put titles and legends on the charts for them, and lots of other things. When you are working with a chart, a Chart menu will appear on the menu bar and there are options in it to do things with the different series that are in it.

When creating a chart in Excel the plot area is what?

contains graphical representation of values in data series

Is Excel chart created from selected worksheet data?

Yes, a chart in Excel is created from data that has been selected in the worksheet.

Is diagram the visual representation of data in Excel?

A chart is a visual representation of data in Excel.

What is a data marker in excel create?

A data marker shows where a data value is on a chart, such as a line chart.

What is a chart that is drawn on the same worksheet as the data in Excel?

An embedded chart.

What are text annotations that you can add to further describe the data in your chart for Excel?

Text annotations are labels that you can add to further describe the data in your chart for excel.

When a pie chart is created each of the cells in the excel worksheet containing the numeric data is a?

The cells represent individual parts of the series which are then represented as pie slices in the chart.

Is it true that Excel is created on series data in charts based on changes made to the worksheets?

If the data in a series, which is taken from the worksheet, changes in any way, then the chart will automatically reflect those changes.

What is a bubble in MS Excel?

A bubble is a circle on a bubble chart. It is a type of chart in Excel, similar to an XY chart. They can be complicated to create and understand, as you need 3 series of data to do so. The can be used for analysis of statistics, so it helps to have some statistical knowledge and to know when it is appropriate to use a bubble chart. For most Excel users, it is a chart that is not used very often.