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43C = 109.4F

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Q: How many degrees Fahrenheit is 43 degrees Celsius and round it to the nearest tenth place?
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Does evaporation take place at 0 degrees celsius?

Yes. cause 0 degrees celsius = 32 degrees Fahrenheit

72 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit?

22.2 C

72 degrees Fahrenheit What is that in degrees celsius?

To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius 1 Subtract 32... this gives 40 2 Divide by 9... this gives 4.444444 3 Multiply by 5... this gives 22.222222 4 Round off to one decimal place... this gives 22.2 degrees Celsius

How can you check to see if a thermometer works properly?

To check if a thermometer works properly, you can place it in ice water and it should read 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). Alternatively, you can place it in boiling water and it should read 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) at sea level. If the thermometer readings are within the expected ranges, it is likely working properly.

What is the altitude of the coldest place in the atmosphere?

The coldest layer of the Earth's atmosphere is the Mesosphere. At an altitude of 31 miles up to, 53 miles (85 km) from the surface of the Earth. Its temperature ranges from 5 degrees fahrenheit to -184 degrees fahrenheit. Or in terms of Celsius -15 degrees to -120 degrees.

How cold does it get in the Amazon rainforest?

The Amazon rainforest is an amazing place, that has a wide temperature range. The coldest is has been known to get is 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the coldest part of earth's atmosphere?

The mesohere,the boundary between the Thermosphere and Mesosphere, is technically the coldest place on Earth, with a temperature of −100 degrees Celsius (−148.0 degrees fahrenheit; 173.1 K).

Which place in India has the highest temperatures?

The town of Phalodi in Rajasthan holds the record for the highest temperature ever recorded in India, which was 51 degrees Celsius (123.8 degrees Fahrenheit).

What place in the world can have their temperatures Fahrenheit and Celsius equal?

Very, very cold places. The two scales give the same numerical reading at -40 degrees.

What is the temperature of the asthenosphere in Fahrenheit?

The depth and temperature of the base of the lithosphere is somewhat in question, but a majority would place the temperature at around 600 degrees C. On the surface of the lithosphere the temperature can dip to around -89 degrees C. 6704 Fahrenheit

What was the hotest temperature in US?

The hottest temperature recorded in the US was 134 degrees Fahrenheit (56.7 degrees Celsius) in Death Valley, California on July 10, 1913. This temperature stands as the highest reliably recorded air temperature in the world.

Why ice does not melt at 5 degree?

I am going to assume your talking about Fahrenheit. Which would take 32 degrees Fahrenheit for ice to begin to melt (albeit slowly). If you come from a place that uses Celsius its understandable to be confused by this at it will seem illogical as Celsius is a simpler and a more logical way to measure temperature.