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Q: How many disabled people were killed in the T-4 program?
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How many mentally disabled people were killed in concentration camps?

AnswerThe vast majority of "incurables" were killed in killing centres in Germany and weren't sent to camps. After all, the SS didn't want people arriving at camps in wheelchairs.

What were adolf hitlers views on disabled?

His view was that they weren't fit to be alive and therefore had to be killed, which is why he killed many disabled people.

How many persons were killed in the holocaust?

around 6 million people incuding Jews, gypsies, disabled people etc

What percentage of disabled people died during the holocoust?

there was so many people killed that u coulnt even count it.disabled people were killed as a part of the T-4 programme, if disabled people were killed in the Holocaust, it was because they were Jewish rather than their disability.

Does Brazil have disabled people?

Yes, there are many disabled people there.

Do Christians believe in disabled people?

Of course... disabled people are equal with 'normal' people in status. All are made in the image of God. Furthermore, many Christians believe disabled babies should not be killed before birth since they are equally special in the eyes of God and represent another human soul that will live in eternity. Disability is the result of the fall, and the disabled will be whole again in Heaven.

How many disabled people were there before the Holocaust?

Are you implying that the disabled didn't exist before the holocaust?

What was the cause of the elevator?

The elevator was invested and made because of disabled people, the cause: disabled people among many other reasons.

How many disabled christians are there in America?

No possible way to know, people die every second, people get disabled every minute.

How many killed people in the twin towers?

2996 people were killed btw its how many people were killed lol

Why is VESID important?

It is a vocational education program for disabled adult students in New York. It is important because it allows people whose opportunities have been taken from them or were never really given to them because of their disability to get another chance to succeed. With the help of the program, many disabled adults are able to continue to live productive and fulfilling lives.

How many people in the world are disabled?

About 750 million people have a disability