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Um... The antlantis doesn't exist...sorry

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Q: How many distance does it take from India to atlantis the lost island?
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Which city was the capital of long lost Atlantis?

it is at the bottom of pacific ocean BUT it is invisible

How deep is lost city of Atlantis?

The lost city of Atlantis is a mythical island that was said to have sunk into the sea. Since its existence has never been proven, there is no definitive depth for the lost city of Atlantis.

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Where is the lost Atlantis?

The lost city of Atlantis is a mythical island mentioned in Plato's works. The exact location of Atlantis has never been confirmed, leading many to believe it is a fictional place rather than a real lost civilization. Legends place it in areas ranging from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean.

Which ocean is the lost city of Atlantis in?

There is no definitive location for the lost city of Atlantis as it is a legendary island that has never been proven to exist. According to Plato's writings, Atlantis was said to be located beyond the "Pillars of Hercules," which is now believed to be the Strait of Gibraltar in the Atlantic Ocean.

How big was the lost city of atlantis?

The size of Atlantis is a topic of debate and speculation, as it is a legendary island that has never been discovered. According to the descriptions from the Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a large island that consisted of concentric rings of land and water, with a central city and surrounding structures. Some theories suggest Atlantis could have been as large as the size of a small country.

Is there more than one lost city of Atlantis?

The lost city of Atlantis is a mythical island civilization that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. According to legend, there is only one Atlantis, which was described by the ancient philosopher Plato. However, some believe that other civilizations and cities may have inspired the Atlantis myth.

Is the lost land of Atlantis a content or a city?

Atlantis is often described as a lost island or continent in various mythologies and historical writings. It is commonly depicted as a highly advanced civilization that disappeared in a cataclysmic event, but its existence has never been proven by archaeological evidence. The story of Atlantis has captured the imagination of many over the centuries.

Which is the best Lego atlantis set?

Lost city of Atlantis

What is the origin of the Lost City of Atlantis?

The Lost City of Atlantis is a legendary island first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues. According to Plato, Atlantis was a powerful and advanced civilization that existed around 9,000 years before his time, but it disappeared into the sea in a single day and night. The story of Atlantis is considered to be a myth, symbolizing the hubris of societies that fall out of favor with the gods.

Are they hiring any waitresses in atlantis?

atlantis is a lost city ddaaa

When was atlantis founded?

Atlantis was found in 1914 watch on youtube Atlantis the lost empire , cool movie