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Q: How many electrons are in an ion of bromine?
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What is the charge for a bromine ion with 26 electrons?

A bromine ion with only 26 electrons is not possible. A bromine atom has 35 electrons and it can't loose 9 electrons.

How many electrons will bromine gain from forming an ion?


When forming an ion bromine is most likely to gain how many electrons?

Bromine will gain one electron.

How many electrons will bromine gain or lose when forming an ion?

Bromine will gain one electron to become Br-

How many electrons does bromide ion have?

The element bromine has an atomic number of 35. This means that each atom contains 35 protons, and the requirement for electrical neutrality in an atom means that the atom also contains 35 electrons. A bromide ion contains one more electrons than a bromine atom: 36.

How many atoms does a bromine atom have?

Bromine has 35 electrons in its neutral state, and, as it is a halogen, 36 in its most stable ion. So it would have 4 shells, with 2, 8, 18, and 7 electrons in the neutral state, or 2, 8 ,18 and 8 electrons in its stable ion.

What is the total electrons for bromine?

How many electrons does Bromine have

How many total valence electrons make up BrO31?

Bromine has 7 electrons. Three bonds with oxygen give sic electrons and the charge gives one. Therefore, bromine has 14 electrons in valence shell in Bromate(V) ion.

Bromine atoms always gain one electron when they become an ion which atom has the same number of electrons as a bromine ion?

If bromine gains one more electron, then it will have 36 electrons total. The only neutral atom with 36 electrons is just the next element on the periodic table, Krypton.

Why is xenon less reactive then bromine?

Bromine has 7 electrons in its valency shell and so readily forms a negative ion. Xenon has 8 electrons and so is inert.

Calcium and Bromine have formed a bond Leading up to this calcium gave up electrons It was a negative ion shared ion positive ion neutral atom?

a negative ion

How many electrons do a octet bromine have?

Bromine is a non metal element. There are 35 electrons in a single atom.