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God/Goddess Element

Aurora Aurium (gold)

Iris Iridium

Mercury Mercury

Titans Titanium

Freyja Vanadis Vanadium

Niobe Niobium

Goblin Cobalt, Nickel

Tantalos Tantalum

Thor Thorium

Prometheus Promethium

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Q: How many elements are named for mythological figures or gods?
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Is Mercury named after mythological Gods?

Mercury was a Roman god.

Does Jupiter have any myths or legends?

Jupiter is named after Roman/Greek Gods. All the planets are named after Mythological Gods. that is not answering the question man.

How many planets were named after the mythological god?

All of the planets (except Earth) were named for ancient gods. This practice is now enshrined in tradition, and any planets discovered in the future are to be named for gods and demigods. For example, the moon recently discovered around Pluto was named Charon.

How did the Greeks and Romans name celestial bodies?

Generally they named the figures after gods and heroes.

What year did roman god explore Saturn?

Roman gods did not explore anywhere, they are mythological. The planet Saturn was named after a Roman god.

What are the days of the week named after in spanish?

The days of the week in Spanish are named after celestial bodies and mythological figures. For example, Monday is "lunes" named after the Moon (luna) and Thursday is "jueves" named after Jupiter (Júpiter).

Have gods ever kill other gods?

In mythological since yes

What are the names of the gods in Austria?

In Austria, some of the gods that are historically significant include Wodan, Donar, and Ziu, who were part of the Germanic pantheon. The country has a rich history of mythological figures and folklore, many of which have influenced local traditions and beliefs.

Mythological origin name for Saturn?

Saturn was named for one of the Roman gods. The roman god Saturn was the god of wealth, time, agriculture and liberation.

Why is nearly every planet named after Roman Gods?

Because the Greeks and Romans themselves gave mythological names to these bodies. It's been continued as a tradition.

What war gave the classical Greeks its heroic ideal and several mythological gods?

The Trojan War gave the classical Greeks it's heroic ideal and several mythological gods.

Mythological name for Saturn?

The International Astronomical Union names planets and the practice is to name them after mythological ancient gods - Saturn was a major Roman deity of agriculture and harvest.For your information 'Saturday' is also named after this god.Galileo was the one who decided to name it saturn