

How many factors do composite have?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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At least three.

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Q: How many factors do composite have?
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What are factors of composite numbers?

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How many ways are there to resolve a composite into 3 factors?

The answer depends on how many factors the composite has!

How many factors in a composite number?

There r 5 composite #

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There must be more than 2 factors for a number to be composite.

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A composite number has three or more factors.

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9, 15, 45 are the composite factors of 45.

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75 has six factors.

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6, 10, 15, 30 are the composite factors of 30.

How many factors do composite numbers have?

More than two.

How many composite factors does 27 have?

Two: 9 and 27.

What are the composite factors of 75?

The composite factors of 75 are 15,25 and 75.

Is 18 a prime composite or neither.?

Composite because it has more factors than just 1 and itself. The factors are 1,2 3,6,9,18.