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Q: How many feet below sea level does a humpback whale live?
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What habitat does a Humpback whale live in?

Humpback whales live in the epipelagic layer (down to 600 feet below sea level) of most of the world's oceans, because that is where their food is. It is not known how deep they dive.

How do you spell humpback whale?

Humpback Whale that looks nice and neat NOT humpback whale! Common names should not be capitalized, italicized or underlined. So: The humpback whale breached. NOT: The Humpback Whale breached.

Is the killer whale bigger then the humpback whale?


What is the 4th largest whale?

The humpback whale is said to be the fourth largest. Up to fifty feet and weighing ninety thousand pounds.

What is bigger a humpack whale or a sperm whale?

Humpback. It is the third largest whale, after the fine whale and blue whale.

What humpback whale size?

Adult humpback whales are usually between 12 to 16 meters in length. That is approximately 40 to 50 feet in length. They also weigh approximately 36000 kilograms or 79000 pounds. They are one of the large species of Whales.A humpback whale is about 45 feet long.the humpback whale averages to about 50 feet (15 meters) in length it's about the size of a school bus.

How many times is a humpback whale than an average human?

The Humpback whale is about 11 times larger than the average human (5 foot 6 inches). Humpback whales can get up to 62 feet long.

What is the average body length of a humpback whale?

males are 420 and females are 400 feet long usally

How long is the average female humpback whale?

Adult humpback whales are usually between 12 to 16 meters in length. That is approximately 40 to 50 feet in length. They also weigh approximately 36000 kilograms or 79000 pounds. They are one of the large species of Whales.

Where do Humpback whales find their food?

Near the ocean's surface, in what is called the "Epipelagic Zone" (Down to 600 feet below sea level), Humpback whales find krill and small, schooling-type fishes to eat.

What is bigger a humpback or killer whale?

Blue whales- they are the largest of the whale species, and indeed the largest animals known to be living on the planet today. All whales are classed as mammals rather than fish, since they have lungs and breath through their blowholes.

What is the deepest diving whale known to go 10500 feet below sea level to snack on squid?

Sperm Whales