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my daughter was just quoted a price of 800.00 for a back tooth in a five year old. supposedly it was because it touched 3 i guess he's charging for 3 teeth. that doesn't include the gas to put the little guy into la la land. crazy.

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13y ago
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14y ago

It depends on personal taste, there are a lot of different fillings you can put into your child.

You could try celery, onion, salt, pepper, bread crumbs and even fruits.

Most turkey fillings should work ok for children to.

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11y ago

Fillings are treatment for tooth decay. The number of fillings a person has depends on how many cavities have been treated. There is no set number of fillings a child should have. A general rule is, less is better, provided they are seeing a dentist frequently and their oral hygiene is good.

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How many people have fillings?

Around 9 out of 10 adults have fillings in their teeth. Fillings are common treatments for cavities caused by tooth decay.

How many teeth should an child have?


How many fillings should a 10 year old have?

one child i met had 3 silver fillings but had apparently all ready had them all filled twice before!

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How many teeth have 9 year old?

16 is not the correct answer, as a 2 1/2 year healthy child should have about 20 teeth, so if a 9 year old child has 16 teeth, then they are very ill, as they should have from 24 - 28 teeth

How many teeth are in a kids mouth?

A child normally has 20 milk teeth, by the time they reach adulthood they should have 32 adult teeth.

How many teeth's does a child have?

It depends on their age. They will have 32 when fully grown but this may not be until they are about 25 or possibly later. But as a child they have 20.

How many teeth has a child?


How many teeth do child have?


How many teeth do children have aged 2-6 years?

Every child is different, but by the age of 2 and a half all baby teeth should be visible.

What type of treatment would be considered cosmetic dental treatment?

There are many types of cosmetic dental treatment including the following. Traditional amalgam fillings do not look pretty and these can be replaced with white fillings that better match tooth colour. Missing teeth can be replaced by implants. Crooked teeth can be realigned to look tidier. And perhaps easiest of all, teeth can be whitened.

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