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The rare and magnificent winged beast known as the Black Flying Fox is incredibly dangerous, yet majestic. Due to the Fox War of 1889, the Black Flying Fox population is very close to extinction. There are exactly two of these amazing creatures remaining alive today, one male and one female. Unfortunately, they already dated once, had a mutual breakup, and are seeing other people. So very soon there shall be no black flying foxes left on Earth.

Also, you misspelled **world**.

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There are at least 60 species of flying foxes extant.

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Q: How many black flying foxes are left in the world?
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How many black flying foxes are left?

about 103

How many flying foxes are left in the world?

Flying foxes is a common name for bats and are found all over the world. There are 1,100 different species.

How many Fox are left in the world?

Flying foxes is a common name for bats and are found all over the world. There are 1,100 different species.

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As of 2014, it is estimated that there are over 250,000 foxes left in the world. Foxes can be found in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America.

Can you give a bar graph of how many Darwin foxes are still alive?

there are 20,628 left in the world:)

How many foxes left in the world today?

There are 12 species of true foxes (genus vulpes) and a number of other related species. For a complete list click on this link.

How many Darwin foxes are still alive?

There are 350 darwin's foxes left in the world. Btw i was looking for the answer myself, and nobody had answered the question so I found it on another website and decided to answer for other people who might want to know.

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How many black rhinos are there in the world?

there where 4300 in 2007 said by national geographic news