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he killed 12 girls

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He was attempting to conceal his crimes.

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Q: How many girls did mr harvey kill in the lovely bones?
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In the lovely bones why does the man kill all the girls?

In "The Lovely Bones," the man, Mr. Harvey, is a serial killer who targets young girls. He is driven by a compulsion to harm and control his victims, reflecting his twisted psychological state. His actions stem from a combination of personal demons and a desire for power over vulnerable individuals.

Why does mr Harvey kill animal's-The Lovely Bones?

Mr. Harvey kills animals as a means to stop himself from killing a child.

Did MrHarvey from the book the lovely bones kill holly?

Yes, Mr. Harvey is responsible for Holly's murder in the book "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. Holly is one of Mr. Harvey's victims, along with Susie Salmon.

The Lovely Bones why did Harvey kill people?

Because he thought people with bad lives wanted to move on hence when he asked her the question "do you have any boyfriends?" and stuff like that so he killed children to die faster and leave the misery and again he was crazy so yeah but he didn't kill adults because they were ahead in life and closer to death

What are some forms of personification used in the book The Lovely Bones?

In "The Lovely Bones," author Alice Sebold uses the technique of personification extensively. For example, the main character Susie Salmon watches over her family from the afterlife, imagining them as they grow and change. Objects and settings are also personified, such as when Susie describes the house absorbing the memories and emotions of the inhabitants.

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Why does mr Harvey kill susie?

Mr. Harvey kills Susie because he is a twisted and predatory individual who preys on young girls like Susie. He is motivated by a sick desire to control and harm others, and he sees Susie as a victim of his violent impulses.

How did george Harvey die in the lovely bones?

He sees a woman standing outside a diner and attempts to coax her but, a giant icicle comes down and lands on his shoulder and that makes him fall in to a ravine, killing him. The consensus is that Mr. Harvey did freeze to death after being struck by a piece of ice.

What did Lee Harvey use to kill JFK?

Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Who kill the John F. Kennedy?

Lee Harvey Oswald.

Was John Kennedy the 1st politican that Lee Harvey Oswald tried to kill?

Lee Harvey Oswald wife said that he onced tried to shoot and kill a local politican but failed

How do you get bones in Minecraft?

You kill skeletons