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Q: How many glass bottles end up in landfills yearly?
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Which materials do not decompose in landfills?

many the materails that don't decompsoe in landfills are plastic, glass, and styrofoam.

How many plastic water bottles are in landfills?

At least 57,857,473

How many years does it take glass to decompose in landfills?


How many plastic water bottles are actually recycled as opposed to discarded in land fills?

It is estimated that only 6% of plastic water bottles are actually recycled instead of being put in landfills. In 2012 a census found that 33.6 million plastic water bottles ended up in landfills and 2 million were recycled.

How many bottles of coke are in the world?

16.3 billion unopened, and over 10 trillion opened in landfills and recycling centers

How many bottles are but in landfills each year?

Oh, I'd say about 10 or so, but thats just a guess. Maybe its like 15.

Why are very few glass bottles reused?

Because glass bottles can be used for many things, for examole, wine bottles. Different brands of wine have different coloured bottles. Also, they break easily, and plastic bottles are a lot easier carry around.

How many glass bottles were used to build M6?

14 million were used

How many empty 12oz glass beer bottles make a pound?


Are old Clorox bottles collectible?

Old Clorox bottles are collectable items. Many of them are on sale on eBay. These bottles are glass and are typically colored amber. They usually sell for under $20.

Are water bottles good for the environment?

No! Water bottles are bad for the environment because they take many years to degrade. Glass will never break down. All water bottles should be recycled.

How many times did all the water bottles in landfills go around the earth?

Im aware of how many water bottles go around the earth. And the answer to the question is that about 199 times plastice water bottles went around the earth just last year and im sure we are going to use more this year:( Im 110% correct.:)