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Four half steps, or two whole steps.

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6y ago

There are four half-steps in a major 3rd.

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Q: How many half steps is a major third made of?
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The major scale is made up five whole steps and how many half steps?

2 Half steps

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A major scale is made up of two half steps and how many whole steps?


A major scale is made up of five whole steps and how many half steps?


What determines what notes make up a specific major scale?

The major scale is made of whole and half steps. WWHWWWH

What are the notes for a major scale?

A major scale is made up of whole steps and half steps. Whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half. For example C Major would be C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. D Major would be D-E-Fsharp-G-A-B-Csharp-D.

Which scale is made up entirely of half steps?

The chromatic scale is made up entirely of half steps.

What is a third?

That's a vague sounding question, but I've encountered the term in music theory, referring to the third step of an 8 step scale (do, re, mi). The 3rd is known as a color tone along with the 6th, 7th, and 9th, because it helps to determine the quality of a chord (more than two notes played in unison).A triad is a 3 note chord consisting of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th degrees of a scale played in unison. It can be major, minor, or diminished depending on the relative distance between scale degrees.Every scale in western music contains 12 half steps. This constitutes an octave, or the repetition of the root note one octave up. The 3rd can determine whether a chord is major, minor, or diminished by its location between the root note and the 5th. If a 3rd is three half steps from the root and four half steps from the 5th, a minor chord is made. If it is four half steps from the root and three half steps from the 5th, a major chord is made. If the 3rd is three half steps from the root and three half steps from the 5th, a diminished chord is made.It is possible to create major and minor intervals with only two notes. Three half steps between notes indicates a minor interval, and four half steps indicates a major interval. A diminished chord requires at least three notes, as it cannot be diminished without a flat 5th.I hope this quick breakdown of triad music theory sheds some light.

Which scale is made of half steps?

chromatic scale

What is a scale made up of 5 notes?

A pentatonic scale is made up of 5 notes, and can be hemitonic (containing half steps) or anhemitonic (not containing half steps).

Which key is made up entirely of half steps?

The chromatic scale

What scale is made up entirely of half steps.?

The chromatic scale