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AT the most? maybe 3.

If the hamsters are small maybe 4 or 5.

It all depends how big/small the ball/hamsters are.

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Q: How many hamsters can go in a ball at once?
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Can baby hamsters go in a play ball?

nope its to DANGEROUS

Do hamsters need to go on the hamster ball everyday?

Your hamster doesn't need to go in the ball everyday , If your hamster has an exercise wheel then you can put them in the ball when you want to. I have 2 hamsters and they both have hamster balls and i only put them in it 3 times a week at the most :)

How many times a week should hamsters go in the exercise ball?

everyday. a hamster needs it's exercise a lot. I hope i helped.

What kind of things will hamsters go nutty for?

Tearing toilet paper tubes apart, and a ball and a hamtrac

How many species of hamsters are there out of the world?

There are about 25 species of hamsters that go under: Syrian or dwarf or hybrid.

How many times do hamsters have to go to the vet?

I am a full working vet, I love animals and the answer to your question is at least once every month or two depending on its age.

What can you do as an individual to try to get the ball in basketball?

its simple you ask for the ball and once you get it go home with it!

Do hamsters go through puberty?

Yes hamsters do

What happens if there is stuff oozing out of your hamsters eye?

He probably has conjunctivitis. Go and see a vet, until then clean it off with warm water on a cotton ball.

How do you say i have two hamsters?

"I have two hamsters" there you go, have fun!

Are zhu zhu hamsters the same as go go hamsters?

Yes, they are. As far as I know it was Go Go but then they changed their brand name.

Can the game go on if the football is dropped?

Nope. Once you drop the ball, the game gets stopped and the ball goes to the opposing team.